Friday, September 25, 2009


I promised y'all i'd explain Rachaelmas.

So, for starters there is only one other holiday with the suffix 'mas'. And that is Christmas. Named after christ, for the celebration of Christ. So, unless brains were made of chocolate (in which yours would barely fill an M&M) you should be able to figure out that Rachaelmas is a celebration of my birth, 24 October!

its nearly rachaelmas, so here is a list of what to get me (separated into two categories):


a new pair of togs. swimsuit. what ever
pandora bracelet
sports bag
vegetable chips. actual vegetable chips. potato chips. vege chips. made of kumara and eggplant and taro and beans and zucchini


new ipod nano
to be able to fly, become invisible, have super powers that stuff
a new phone.
new laptop
a new cello
more books
an endless supply of books
a library
a gym
a pool
an indoor pool

and now im just getting into things that you'd need millions, or around about that for.

love leaflower. x

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